Camisetas Túnez Baratas Camisetas de fútbol para aficionados del fútbol femenino, con diseños dedicados a las estrellas de la disciplina.
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It’s not fake it’s a rep there’s a huge difference between fakes and reps
Fakes Anyday.. Brands be Crying shit.
Guy who lives in 2021
What's the difference between the fake and real ??
The fake one says 2 the real one says 3 Argentina won a total of three world cups
Fake jerseys 😅have three star before World Cup 2022
Fake shirt said:Messi effect💀
Did bro really buy two of the same shirts to prove witch is fake or real💀
Real: 🍌
Fake: 🍌
Really hard to tell the difference with these
I'm a Brazil
Yur a.AFA😂😂
No different
i get a t Shirt messi 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀😎
Fakes are too Good not gonah lie. At the end of the day it's Just a Jersey. 😭
Whats the suppliers store name?
Link please
actually both are fake
Fyi its called “fan jersey” not fake
Where can i get the fake one
No diff to me Ngl
Fan shirts 👕
Player shirts 👕
Is their a difference?
Samsung birthday friend😂
Both are fake
donde esta link para comprar???
Fake is more better looking
la original siempre està pensada diferente en materiales y calidad, la camiseta fake es simple baratija.
Kkkkk mesma coisa nem da pra perceber pra mim usaria qualquer uma das duas ngm ia perceber se é falsa ou original
How come the "genuine" shirt has got the wrong number of stars (Argentina has won 3 World Cup trophies, not 2)?
The golden logo is better in fake😂
Kitne ki hai bhai batao
Team messi